The Food & Faith Collaborative encourages supporting the food rescue efforts of Second Servings of Houston, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN#47-1173622). Your tax-deductible donations can be made “in honor of” a person or occasion, or “in memory of” a loved one, if you would like. In addition to online giving, you can send a personal check or donor-advised fund check to: Second Servings of Houston, 8825 Knight Rd., Houston, TX 77054. Click below for more information.
Financial support directly helps fund the “PopUp Grocery Store” program’s operating expenses, which include drivers’ wages, fuel, insurance, maintenance, supplies, logistics support, and site onboarding, training and oversight. If you are interested in becoming a program sponsor or would like more information about supporting Second Servings, please contact Barbara Bronstein at or (713) 824-4763.